Our Technology & Equipment

At Neurology, Psychiatry and Balance Therapy Center, we utilize state of the art technologies and equipment to assist us in determining accurate diagnoses for and providing our patients with the most effective treatments.

BrainsWay Deep TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) for Depression

Major Depressive Disorder is a highly prevalent condition which hampers a person’s ability to maintain relationships, a career and daily functioning. BrainsWay Deep TMS is an effective, non-invasive treatment which can help patients get their life back and regain calm and happiness. The treatment stimulates the brain regions responsible for depression using brief magnetic fields at an amplitude similar to that used in MRI technology. The therapy requires only daily 20-minute sessions over 4-6 weeks. BrainsWay Deep TMS has been proven to generate significant reduction of depressive symptoms, even in patients with severe, persistent depression, who tried several medications without improvement. The therapy has received an FDA approval, and is based on advanced patented technology. Best of all, BrainsWay Deep TMS does not cause systemic side effects. 

For more information on Brainsway Deep TMS click here.  To see a video explaining Deep TMS therapy, click here.

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BrainsWay OCD

A noninvasive, innovative treatment – is transforming the lives of OCD patients. It offers an effective, safe and non-invasive treatment that uses Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to treat OCD. The treatment performs magnetic stimulation of frontal brain structures and networks, targeting previously unreachable areas of the brain with its proprietary H7-coil, allowing it to effectively treat OCD. BrainsWay OCD has many advantages over other treatment options, as it is an outpatient procedure that is generally well tolerated and has no systemic side effects.  Click on the videos below to see how BrainsWay OCD has helped others:

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Computerized Balance Platform for Balance Testing and Treatment

Balance is very complex and difficult to measure precisely. That is why we utilize the Biodex Balance System SD as a tool to measure precisely how well our patients can control their standing balance under a variety of conditions.  Further, our Biodex system can also be used to help screen for fall risks, as well as a diagnostic tool to help us understand how severely a patient may be affected by a concussion or other neurologic disorder. By using this system, we can easily track our patients’ progress with their balance. Just as importantly, the Biodex Balance System SD has many training programs that we utilize to help our patients improve their balance and muscle function caused by injuries.

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Dynamic Leg Press

The Shuttle Recovery is a dynamic leg press system that can be used to improve the strength and ability to control the legs, trunk, and arms. It can be used by people with a wide range of abilities. People with severe weakness can have their legs supported with a strap while working exercises to strengthen them. Athletes can use it to to work on muscle control during jumping activities. Click here to see videos of exercises using the Shuttle Recovery.

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Infrared Goggles for Vestibular (Inner Ear) Testing

 Have you ever looked at your eyes in the mirror while moving your head around? If so, you may have noticed that no matter which way you move your head, your eyes stay fixed on their reflexion in the mirror. Our vestibular system in our inner ear is what causes this to happen. If there is a problem with the vestibular system, we can often tell by studying the eyes. We use infrared goggles to look at patients’ eyes while we are performing various tests. This helps us to see if your dizziness is caused by your brain your, vestibular system, or a specific part of your vestibular system. Click here to see a video of one type of eye movement, nystagmus, that we look for with infrared goggles.

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Overhead Rail and Harness System for Balance

 One of the best ways to improve your balance is to challenge it! However, challenging your balance might be scary if you have a balance problem, and it could even be dangerous if it is not done in a safe way. That is why we use the MASS Rehab Rail and Harness. By wearing a harness suspended from a rail in the ceiling, it allows you to walk on the ground, walk on the treadmill, and to try challenging balance exercises without the fear falling. Doing this allows you to do exercises that will effectively improve your balance in a safe manner. To see how this works, click here to watch a video of the rail and harness in use. Please note that this is a simulation to demonstrate the safety and protection the device provides.

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Walking Biofeedback Training Treadmill for Step Length Training

 Like balance, walking is also very complex. There are many different aspects of walking that can be measured, such as how high you lift your foot, how straight your knee is when stepping, and the position of your torso. However, having a good step length is one of the most important measures that can help determine how well you can walk. Injuries and neurologic disorders like strokes can often affect your step length, making walking difficult or slow. Having a normal and symmetrical step length can help you move faster and more efficiently so you can get where you need to go effectively. We use the Biodex Gait Trainer 3 to give us feedback on our patients’ step length and speed while walking. This can help us help you relearn how to walk more normally and effectively.  It is also another way to track your progress.